Mingliang Gao

Mingliang Gao

Associate Professor

Shandong University of Technology


Mingliang Gao received his PhD degree in Communication and Information Systems from Sichuan University. He is now an associate professor at the Shandong University of Technology. He was a visiting lecturer at the University of British Columbia during 2018-2019.

He established the Brighten Vision Group and enjoyed immensely working with students and researchers. He has been the principal investigator for a variety of research funding, including the National Natural Science Foundation, China Postdoctoral Foundation, National Key Research Development Project, etc.

His research interests include computer vision, machine learning, and intelligent optimal control. He has published over 100 journal/conference papers in IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, and Wiley.

  • Machine Learning
  • Computer Vision
  • Intelligent Optimal Control
  • Visiting Scholar at the College of Engineering, 2018/04-2019/04

    University of British Columbia, Canada

  • PhD at School of Electronic Information, 2007/09-2013/07

    Sichuan University

  • BSc at College of Physical Engineering, 2003/09-2007/07

    Qufu Normal University


  • mlgao@sdut.edu.cn
  • 0533-2781041
  • 266 Xincun West Road, Zhangdian District,Zibo City,Shandong Province,China, Shandong University of Technology 255000